What a fun past few weeks I've had! I am continually thankful for my school, students, and fellow teachers. Just tonight I told Aaron that I really look forward to walking into school each day. My career as a teacher is continually affirmed.
I thought I’d show some pictures from the past few weeks to give you an idea of my experience:
Sports day is an annual event in many Korean schools. On this day, students’ homerooms compete against each other in various sporting events. The students take this VERY seriously and prepare for it weeks in advance. Each homeroom creates a banner which they hang from their classroom window and create custom made costumes to promote team spirit and unity.It was an absolute BLAST to watch. I was lucky enough to participate in the three-legged teacher relay race with my co-teacher.
Finally, each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday after school I teach an English conversation class. This is the class I look forward to all week. My students are disciplined, enthusiastic about learning, yet are still your usual middle school students. It such a joy to capture their energy as middle school students but be able to direct it so easily to learning. We play many games to practice conversation and learn about culture in English speaking countries. For example, we had a Halloween party including a costume contest and mummy making competition. I was amazed at how much the students got into the idea of Halloween and how eager they were to dress up.
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