Our plan for winter break included an EPIC road trip around Colombia. We were headed up through the coffee country to go rock climbing in Chicamocha canyon, rafting in San Gil, camping in the Tatacoa desert etc etc. However, as Burns said, "the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry." And, in true 2016 fashion, they did. However, our first leg of the trip went off without a hitch.
Views driving in Pereira--the heart of Colombia's coffee country. |
We drove the 5 hour drive through the Quindio or coffee region to Parque de Los Nevados where we splurged for our first night in a nice hotel with hot springs.
Hotel Termales del Ruiz was recommended by a friend, and it exceeded our expectations! It would be difficult to get to without a car--in fact, I'm not sure if it's possible unless you book a driver from Manizales. The drive from Manizales took us up and up and up through the paramo (an alpine ecosystem unique to this area of the world) and then down into a valley where the hotel was nestled.
Paramo lake in Parque de Los Nevados. |
Frailejones--a paramo plant in the sunflower family. |
The bubbling stream in the parking lot of the hotel. |
When we arrived, a thick layer of fog masked our surroundings. But later in the day, the valley cleared and we realized we were surrounded by stunning cliffs.
View from the termales.
Perhaps the best part of the hotel was the area surrounding it. The termales were clean, naturally fed, and boasted a terrific view. There were also many quaint areas for sitting and relaxing, and even a waterfall to gaze at while sipping wine. The intuitive design of the landscaping reminded me more of what you would see in Asia--not Colombia. However, the best part of all were the hummingbirds! There is an area where dozens of different hummingbirds congregate to drink from the feeders. We must have sat and played with the hummingbirds for an hour.
Glowing Puffleg |
When they got so close, you could feel the wind from their wings on your face! |
Aaron holding a Rainbow Bearded Thornbill |
Sword Billed |
Sunset view from the hummingbird garden. |
As we were leaving the next morning, it was clear enough to see Nevado del Ruiz on our drive out of the park! We would love to come back and hike to the top! Next time.
Nevado del Ruiz volcano |