Monday, December 6, 2010


Student showcasing their acrobatic martial arts amazingness
at my school's talent show.
Happy...December?  How did that happen so fast?  November proved to be a busy but fantastic month here in Korea.  Aside from the unrest occurring near the border, I might just say it was one of the best months we've had here.  Here's some of what we were up to:

School Festivals
Both my school and Aaron's school had festivals this fall. My school's consisted of a talent show and Aaron's school had a day of games/activities and displayed student's artwork in the hallways.  Also, my school held the annual sports day again full with costumes, foot races, and team games.  It was a blast, and I'm convinced to bring this idea back to the US.

Little Minnies on sports day!
Yes, the boy on the left is poop.
These boys had to all jump rope at the same time.  
The team that could jump the most times without 
messing up was the winner. 
And, here is a video of one of my students playing the recorder at our talent show.  I didn't even know it was possible to play like this! He was amazing!!  Check it out here!

Aaron's brewed three different beers now in Korea. And, I have to say, they are absolutely delicious.  We are two people who appreciate a good beer (quality over quantity) and, I know I've said it before, Korea is not known for its beer.  Yes, you could call us beer snobs, but really, as I watch Aaron carefully mix the wort and yeast and measure the sugar levels etc., I realize it's more of a science project for him.  I figure he's getting his science fix, and I (and our friends) get to benefit from the Nut Brown Ales, India Pale Ales, and the Stouts he creates! 

Novel Writing
Yes, I managed to write 50,000 words in one month.  I think by the end Aaron was a bit tired of me typing in a cafe rather than out adventuring with him, but it turned out to be worth it.  The title of my "novel" is Through the Coffeehouse Window.  I have to admit, it's a bit of a personal pilgrimage of sorts--a story I've been meaning to write and bring to a close for many years now and this offered me the opportunity to do it.  So, it was somewhat realistic fiction yet with some non-fiction thrown in.  :)  After this experience, I rediscovered how much I truly enjoy writing but at a more leisurely pace.  Although this experience really helped me suppress my inner editor, I grew a bit frustrated when I HAD to just write what came to mind in that instant because otherwise I wouldn't make my word count for the day. I look forward to actually writing a longer piece of fiction at a more leisurely pace and without being so self discerning.  

As you know, we bought a new camera this year.  Aaron's fallen in love and is taking pictures like crazy!  I find him, quite often, reading the camera manual to learn more and more.  He's joined this photo blog with a friend from here and is submitting a photo each week.  Check it out! I asked him to share some of his favorite photos he's taken lately.  Here's what he gave me:
On the streets of Busan.
Our good friend Rachel from Eau Claire, Wisconsin! 
Our friend Luke doing a bolder problem during a Busan climbing event.  .

A beautiful sunset right outside of our apartment window.
And, finally, yes, we bought a motorcycle.  After months and months of pleading and begging me to give in, I finally did.  Aaron's been wanting one for some time now.  And, after Aaron took me for a ride up and over the mountain near our house on this guy, I was sold. It's a very very practical way to get around Korea and many people have them here.  It's an older bike, but we got a good deal on it.  I never thought I'd be a motorcycle owner, but I really really am enjoying it!  And yes mom, we ALWAYS wear helmets.  

Posing with our new Daelim 125cc monster motorcycle.
So, as fall transitions into winter, we're looking forward to heated floors, skype dates with our families and friends, the holiday season, and a visit from Jake in less than a month!  Happy holidays everyone!


  1. First! ;)

    gg on the novel, Callie, and as always... keep livin' it up :)

  2. Amazing. It is so good to hear that last month went so well for you both. I love the update! Have a beautiful December my friends and I hope life continues to be well. LOTS of LOVE!
