I love Korean school lunch. It's one of the things I will miss most about teaching here. Everything is fresh, homemade, and nutritious. Even the way they compost their food waste here thrills me. Therefore, I thought I'd share my last lunches.
Monday: Seasoned, boiled pork with cucumbers and peppers (you wrap all this in lettuce leaves), rice, and fermented soybean/tofu soup |
Tuesday: Tongsuyook (sweet and sour chicken), garlic stems in a savory sauce (SO DELICIOUS), wilted spinach with some sesame seeds, rice, kimchi, and a vegetable soup |
Wednesday: Boiled fish with potatoes and radishes (eyes, bones and all), cucumbers, rice, and kimchi jiggae (kimchi soup with some sliced pork and rice dumplings) |
Thursday: Sweet and sour salad, mook (acorn jelly), sesame leaves in a fermented soybean sauce, rice, and samgaetang (Korea's version of chicken soup consisting of boiled chicken in broth and some herbs and spices) | | |
Clean-up |
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